Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pomp and Circumstance

I am not going to lie, I almost named this blog "The Danny Cater Experience". Of course, that would mean the blog would be filled with double plays and reciting batting averages to four decimal points. That probably would have been much more interesting.

Today I was going through yahoo sports and I came upon this article.

Alex Rodriguez's teammates must wish they could divorce him too. "He's become a huge distraction with the Madonna fiasco," a source told Page Six. "It's always all about him." That explains why none of his fellow Yankees went to the All-Star bash he hosted at Jay-Z's 40/40 Club Monday night.

Over at Marquee, the more likable Derek Jeter threw a bash filled with pals like Billy Crystal and Michael Jordan.
Ok, either the Yankees signed Billy Crystal and Michael Jordan before the break (which may actually be an offensive improvement over Cano and Melky) or Jeter didn't have any other Yankee players of note at his party either. And who the hell cares who goes to ARod's party? I rarely go out with co workers and if I was doing shots and having dance hot tail in front of me, I wouldn't notice if Heath Ledger and Scott Bakula were thumb wrestling next to me. (I would give the edge to Heath Ledger's corpse by the way. Scott Bakula's one true weakness is thumb wrestling.)

So what is the point of this article? Wait for it ... ah yes, it is finding yet another way to blame the Yankees problems on ARod. I can already see the thought process of a Yankee fan:

"Hmmm, the Yankees aren't on pace to win 100 games this year. What is wrong? Is it because Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy were bigger disappointments than M. Night Shyamalan's last two films? (I think I am going to call Ian Kennedy "The Happening" from now on) . Is it because we have a bunch of old players that can't stay healthy? Is it because Jeter, Cano, Melky, and Abreu are making Miguel Cairo look like an offensive juggernaut this year? Nope, none of those things, it is ARod's fault. Hmmm but ARod has the third highest OPS in baseball. How are we going to pin this one on him? Oh yea, he is a distraction. Because baseball players never cheat on their wives or get divorces. Damn ARod. WHY DID SIGN HIM AGAIN, HE IS THE REASON WE DON'T WIN."

Why can't ARod be more like Jeter? You know, jumping starlet to starlet to Posada then back to women again. If ARod could only just lower his slugging about 200 points, diminish his range on the field greatly, and throw in a fist pump here or there, I think the people of New York would finally embrace him. Because making more than 20 million a year is not about production. It is about intangibles. Until ARod discovers this, I bet the Yankees are doomed to be distracted into underperforming and not winning another World Series.

I wonder if Suzyn Waldman will off herself if the Yankees don't make one last postseason in Yankee Stadium. There will definitely be tears. All caused not because of the Yankees poor hitting and hodge podge rotation but because ARod is doing old Bucktooth. Of course by breaking Waldman's heart, ARod is just setting up another distraction for next year. It is a vicious cycle. Thanks ARod, you are going to make another woman cry, you f'ing distraction.

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